Monday 24 August 2009

Update on Aine..............

As may be noted posts to the FDPW blog have been few and far between of late. This has been due to my spinal surgery at the great Western in Edinburgh at the end of June. Initially the pain was awful following the week in hospital and it improved slowly. Now although my back pain is still there all the time - at least the nerve pain down my left leg has ceased.

It seems that the surgery has been successful But I still cannot stand or walk far but I do now have a fancy 'hight tech' "Zimmer" with rubber wheels so when working at FDPW I will be using it to help my movement around the workshop. Its even got a built in seat so I can sit down when folks start chatting to me which for some reason, I have become particularly aware, always tends to happen, when one is standing or just leaving or just entering.

Thanks to all of you who were kind enough via emails/phone calls ask how I was getting on and wishing me luck even before I went into have the operation. I have never received so many cards and flowers which was lovely and very much appreciated.

Special thanks to Steve and Sheila who individually came to visit in my first few weeks when I was out of hospital. I was feeling pretty low then what with the increased pain level. Never mind thats all gone now.

Finally words cannot express the friendship and support I experienced from Tatiana (who lives nearby). She has truly helped me so much with her lively visits and these things really count when things are not going so great.

Apologies to people who emailed me stuff to post on the FDPW blog during the past 6-7 weeks that I have not put up here. I just could'nt face doing anything like that. I was tired a lot of the time so might well have posted them without including the dates or location....

anyway I will try to keep up with updating. Fellow contributors are welcome so if you would like to post items then please contact me.


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